to me it seems like strength and frearless but that may not be the answer also it can just be for looks.
A panther paw print can mean that a person can have a mean streak. This type of tattoo can also mean that a person as a love for panthers.
You mean Corey Taylor?
The Fresno Bulldogs use a paw print tattoo symbol.
A dog paw print tattoo is a good tattoo to get to remember a pet. You could also put the name of the dog under tattoo.
Jack Wolfskin
it means that in the future, you are going to have a half bear half human child. Very special.
yes as long as you cover it
A paw print tattoo of a raccoon can symbolize attributes such as adaptability, resourcefulness, cunning, and intelligence commonly associated with raccoons. It may also represent a connection to nature or signify a playful and mischievous personality.
Shia Labeouf has a paw print tattoo on his upper left arm.
Yes, he has a tattoo of a paw-print. A paw print, a plus sign, a star and a jigsaw piece.
Love of dogs in whatever form.
It traditionally means in lumberjack lore that you have officially survived an attack from the bear and lived to tell the tale but also in order to properly get the tattoo you would have to slaughter the cubs of the bear that attacked you.