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If it was just one no problem. But if there were too many trying to vomit. And I dont know what type of pill you are talking about sooo.

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Q: What do you do if you took an extra pill by accident?
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Is it okay to take your birth control sugar pills backwards by accident?

If you took a the wrong sugar pill on the week you were supposed to be taking sugar pills, there's no worry. If you took a sugar pill when you should have taken an active pill, it's as if you took no pill at all.

What should I do if I have taken 1 extra birth control pill by accident?

Nothing. Carry on taking them as normal.

What if you took extra week of birth control pill?

If you took them every day for a week you would delay your period by one week.

Are you protected if you missed a pill and took it eleven hours later and took the next pill at the normal time and he ejaculated in you thirteen days later?

Yes, with almost 2 weeks between the delayed pill and the sex there shouldn't be any extra risk.

Can you be pregnant if the condom broke but there was nothing and you ran out and took your pill as soon as you realized it?

Yes this is possible. Be extra careful!

What if you took Wednesday and Thursdays pill on Wednesday what do you do about Thursday?

If you accidentally took Wednesday's and Thursday's pill on Wednesday, skip Thursday's pill. Do not take extra pills or double up to make up for the missed one. It is important to keep track of your medication schedule to avoid such errors in the future. If you have concerns, consult your healthcare provider.

What to do if you took your pill earlier than usual?

If you took your pill earlier, there is no additional risk of pregnancy. If you're on the combination pill you can take your next pill at the usual time or the new early time. If you're on the progestin only pill, take your next pill within three hours of the time you took today's pill.

What is a sentence for pill?

The nurse asked the patient to take his pill.I don't want to swallow the pill.

You took the first 6 pills of your pack and none after can you still ovulate on time to get pregnant?

You can still ovulate to get pregnant. This is possible because you only took the first 6 pills of your pill pack. Once you have stopped taking your pills, you can still ovulate similar to the situation if you missed a pill or two by accident. You can still get pregnant these ways.

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Who was the late 1960's tv superhero who took a pill stored in ring to get his powers and what was the show?

The Show was called "Mr. Terrific". It took some time to track down the info, but after seeing the pictures of the cast and reading about the show, that's the one. After 17 shows, it was cancelled. He thought he was taking a cold pill, but took the power pill instead and had his powers for 60 minutes. The government guys would come around and give him assignments. He would take the pill and do what he needed to do. I used to watch this show growing up. I stumbled upon this site by accident and was hoping if someone knew the name of the show, but with some searching, I found it.

You took two active pills today by accident because you got your days confused and took your normal pill and the other one ahead of time what should you do about the lack of pill for tomorrow?

Hello there - Because of this your period may be early or later than planned. Taking a pill tomorrow (because you already took one) may cause a overdose of BCP in your system. So dont take another pill tomorrow but DO wear a condom for the next week when you have intercourse and continue taking your pills as normal after tomorrow. Good luck.