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Q: What do fifteen year old hispanic girls celebrate?
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What do 15 year old girls like for gifts?

Choclates and candy...Mabye!

Are fifteen year old girls on the same level of growth as fifteen year old boys?

No, girls mature and develop more quickly then boys. It's like if the guy is 15 and the girl is 15 the boy is only as mature as the girl was at 13. (:

Will 15year girls wear bras?

Most fifteen year olds need to because of you-know-what.

How many fifteen year old girls get pregnant?

all the ones who decide to have unprotected sex,

Are fifteen year old girls on the same level of maturity as boys their own age?

10 years

Are fifteen-year-old girls on the same level of maturity as boys their own age?

No girls always mature faster then boys its a proven fact

If you are fifteen if look at pictures of twelve year old girls are you a pedophile?

no.. but if you were 18, and looked at pictures of a 12 year old girl, THEN you would be a paedeophile.....

Are fifteen-year old girls the same level of maturity as boys their own age?

It depends on how mature the girl and boy are.

In what year did congress approve hispanic heritage month?

what year did congress approve Hispanic Herritange month

Could an eleven year old have a fifteen year old boy friend with it being legal?

Probably. Boys become mature at an older age than girls, meaning that they probably date younger girls, but there is no law against it.

What year did hispanic heritage week become hispanic heritage month?


How much should a 15 year old girl weigh who is 5 feet and 1 inch?

I think that fifteen year old girls should weigh at least 120-130lbs.