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all the ones who decide to have unprotected sex,

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Q: How many fifteen year old girls get pregnant?
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Related questions

How many teenage girls get pregnant?

750 000 a year.

How many girls get pregnant each year in the US?

All pregnancies in the US, or anywhere else, are girls.

What do 15 year old girls like for gifts?

Choclates and candy...Mabye!

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Could an eleven year old get pregnant?

Yes, many eleven year old girls are reproductively mature. If they are sexually active they can get pregnant.

How many teens girls get pregnant in a month?

850 000 get pregnant a year so on average that should be about 70800.

Can a pregnant fifteen year old get married without parental consent?

No. You are not emancipated.

What can it mean if a fifteen year old has skipped her period?

Either she has irregular periods - or she's pregnant !

Is it a legal if a twenty five year old gets a fifteen year old pregnant and if he is responsible for the baby in US?


Can 19 year old girls get pregnant?

Yes, they can

Are fifteen year old girls on the same level of growth as fifteen year old boys?

No, girls mature and develop more quickly then boys. It's like if the guy is 15 and the girl is 15 the boy is only as mature as the girl was at 13. (:

Can 14 year old girl be pregnant?

Girls can become pregnant after receiving their period