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When your Facebook account is expired, you will either have to create a new account.

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Q: What do I do when Facebook says my account is expired?
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Go to Account, then click account settings, then at the bottom it says deactivate account(:

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To make an account in Facebook, you first need to go to the Facebook website. You then just go to the box that says create account and put in your email address.

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Go to your account settings. The last option says deactivate account. Click that to discontinue your membership of facebook.

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it says confirm facebook account to enable the message service.

How do you take yourself off of Facebook and MySpace?

On facebook: you go to settings, and then when that page opens, there's a link that says DEACTIVATE my ACCOUNT. Click on it, and BOOM! On Myspace: you go to my account, Account link, and then there's another link that says Account Cancellation : Cancel my Account.

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first go to account settings then click add account and then click the thing that says facebook and enter what you need to enter

Why is your facebook user expired?

your facebook will delete soon in a couple of year the most years 5 year s how do i know this because i am working on all sort of account such as myspace twiter and face from kardashain lover tea

Were is settings on Facebook?

in the top left it says account then when it opens you should see it says settings

How long does it take to sign up for facebook if it says you are ineligable for Facebook?

You have to be 13 years old to be eligible to make an account on facebook.