You need a lawyer for a current, legal and correct answer for your situation.
If a 19 year old with no record is indicted on a class 2 felony burgalary charge, a class 2 possession of a stolen firearm, a class A misdemeanor for firearm without a foid card, a class A misdemeanor for possession of ammunition without a foid card and a class A misdemeanor criminal trespass to vehicles is just probation possible or is prison mandatory? The defendant is blaming drug abuse and is currently in rehab trial date is continued.
$500 or more is a Class D Felony unless it is a firearm in which case no matter the value it is a Class D felony. Theft of anhydrous ammonia is also a felony no matter the value.
In Delaware if the embezzlement is a Class A felony, there is not limit. Otherwise it is set at 5 years.
3rd degree
Research your states Criminal Codes and Procedures. These can usually be found on the courts websites, librarys, or internet search engine.
You need to get a lawyer.
Possession of Narcotics How much and what are the penalties
It all depends on which part of KRS 514.110 you are referring to. There are several conditions which determines whether it is a felony or misdemeanor. If the value of the property is U/$500 then it is a Class A Misdemeanor, O/$500 but U/$10,000.00, then it is a Class D Felony. Over $10,000 is a Class C Felony. If it is a Firearm, regardless of the value, it is a Class D Felony. Punishment can range from fines, jail, or prison. This is generally used when there is not enough evidence to prove that you actually stole the items, but said items are found on your possession.
Extremely. It is a class A felony to knowingly arm a felon.