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Pregnancy or lactation may cause periods to cease.

Another reason may be serious malnutrition. Female athletes or those who do a great deal of exercise, such as bullimics, may experience amenorrhea (ceasing of menstruation). Various hormonal disturbances, and even tumors may cause this disorder. Finally, menopause will cause menstrual cycles to taper off and finally cease. This is normal in middle aged women.

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Q: What causes you to miss your period two months in a row?
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What could cause you to miss your period 2 months in a row?


Do you have cancer if you miss your period three months in a row?

Doesn't seem likely, see this link:

What if the doctor says its normal but its not normal to miss a period for over a year?

It's normal for some women to miss a period here and there. But to miss a period for several months in a row is not. See your doctor have some blood tests done and a pap smear. They may be able to better diagnose your problem and make sure they explain everything to you so you will understand.

Can you skip sugar pills two months in a row?

Yes, you can skip the sugar pills multiple months in a row. I always skip my sugar pills for three months. Women don't actually need to have their period as often as we do.

What if a virgin misses her period and still has cravings and before symptoms?

When girls first get their period it is common to miss it sometimes. Even when females get older they can still miss their period, but still feel the symptoms of a period. If you continually miss your period month after month you should consult your doctor. On a personal note I miss my periods some months.I always have since I started menstrual cycle. I still, unfortunately, get the symptoms. My gynecologist told me I need to come and see her if I miss my period for six months in a row. If I were you, I would monitor my period and if I miss it again go and see my doctor. Every female is different and you wan to make sure you get the proper diagnosis from your doctor. Generally speaking it is not uncommon, especially for females just starting their periods for the first time, to miss a period here and there.

You are three weeks late on your period could you be pregnant?

You Could Be, But Some People Go Multiple Months In A Row Without Having Their Period, It Just Depends On The Person. Try A Test. You Could Be, But Some People Go Multiple Months In A Row Without Having Their Period, It Just Depends On The Person. Try A Test.

Is it normal for your period to skip 2 months in a row?

no, you are probably pregnant. depending on your body fat percentage it happens.

Can you use the pill to stop periods two months in a row?

There is no guarantee that taking birth control will stop you from having your period. You will most likely have your period anyway.

What does it mean if your period doesn't come for a month?

If your period is a month late or you miss a period it can simply mean you didn't ovulate that month due to stress or ill health, there are various possible reasons. The odd late or absent period is nothing to worry about, if you miss more than three cycles in a row then see your doctor.

Can i have period even if I'm fertile and sexually active?

Yes. Has nothing to do with active. But if too active you may miss oh about 9 of them in a row. Pregnant

When you first start your period and are a virgin is it normal to skip a period and then have really heavy cramps and bleeding?

That's perfectly normal. During the first one to two years, periods can be very irregular. You may skip one or two months, or have one light period, and a heavy one next. If you miss more than three periods in a row, though, I suggest seeing your doctor.

Can you be post menopausal at 82?

almost certainly you have been POST manopausal since you missed your period for 12 months in a row. Most likely at about age 50. Put another way; if you havent had a period in the last 12 months you are POST MENOPAUSAL