There is no guarantee that taking Birth Control will stop you from having your period. You will most likely have your period anyway.
Mortecillian, but really there isn't any pill that they give. It is an injection of several chemicals that stop the inmates heart.
The vertical "rows" are called Columns, and the horizontal "rows" are called Periods
Yes, you can skip your period indefinitely by taking five packs of birth control pills in a row, but you may experience irregular bleeding. Skipping periods does not increase the risk of pregnancy or problems with the uterine lining.
No pregnancy cannot cause this. This sounds like irregular periods. See your Doctor.
In most pill brands, that last row is only there to remind you to take the pill every day. In a few brands, there are vitamins in them. You don't have to eat them.
Yes. Any surgery can cause your periods to stop because of the stress it causes your body. If you miss 2 in a row, go and see your doctor. Or, if you have a check-up post-surgery, mention to whoever is doing the check-up that you didn't get your period
you have either 1 too many or 1 few periods; two periods means a typo or it means you just have two periods in a row which is open to the imagination, as no standard meaning is accepted.. I am making my point twice..
A row going across the periodic table is called a period. There are seven periods in the periodic table, each representing a different energy level for the elements within that row.
It is called an Ellipsis and looks like this ...
each row in the Periodic Table is called a period.