You can make tea. It doesn't have much, if any THC in it, but I think it tastes pretty good. Just boil water with the stems in it for a while. The long you boil, the stronger the flavor will be.
by boiling the stems of the weed and feed it the water that has been boiled
no but if fried or baked in butter stems n seeds can produce THC
Smoking cannabis stems will do nothing for you except for make you cough and give you a headache. But if you really want to then just grind them up or snap them into little pieces. The best thing to do with stems is to make a kief collector, and shake all the kief off of them.
Mud,grass,weed stems,
Leaves and stems will break down and be beneficial to the compost, but woody stems might take a long time to break down. You should not put weeds in compost, especially if they have seeds on them because it can create a weed problem in your garden.
weed is separated by strength Regular-reggies-weak alot of seeds stems and doesnt smell all that great Mids-mediocre seeds stems but smells better High or crip chronic...etc- great no seeds no stems orange and hairy good smelling
Sea weed has no stems where as a pine does.
Also called 'Stinging Nettle,' this weed is a perennial that has stinging hairs on the stems and surface of the lower leaves. It's seeds are spread by the wind and its underground stems. It grows in clumps and can form large colonies.
Smoking weed stems does not typically produce a high because they contain very low levels of THC, the psychoactive compound in marijuana. Inhaling smoke from burning plant material, including stems, can be harsh on the lungs and may cause irritation without significant psychoactive effects. It's more common to use stems for making teas or infusions rather than smoking them.
No. Its actually very healthy for them. And they can get 10x higher than you.... dipshxt..
No, it is a healthy high because your pet is not inhaling the smoke of the weed.