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weed is separated by strength

Regular-reggies-weak alot of seeds stems and doesnt smell all that great

Mids-mediocre seeds stems but smells better

High or crip chronic...etc- great no seeds no stems orange and hairy good smelling

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Q: What is regular weed?
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no, cuz the THC is produced when its biggerWhat the hell is 'Baby Weed'?

Is there such thing as regular weed and if so What is the correct name for it?

No there is no regular weed, all pot depends on the amount of THC in the plant on wether or not it is potent or not. and all weed is called MARIJUANNA

How much weed is in a nickel bag of regular weed in Jacksonville FL?

A gram

How much do a zip of regular weed weigh?

a zip off some regular weigh 28 grams

How do you turn regular weed into kush?

Take the seeds from the regular weed. Burry them in furtilizer in the spring season. leave under less light. and within 6-10 months you should have a few buds

Is there a difference between sour diesel weed and regular weed?

people that say ragular weed don't know much about weed. each weed has a name reffered to as a strai. sour diesel is a strain of weed its a pretty good starin good flavor and pretty high THC level

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It gets you higher for longer and healthier than smoking but it takes a while to kick in

You are a regular user of weed how can you get away with a test by eating or drinking?

Simply, you can't.

Will weed grow under regular lights?

no it will not, you have to use "cool lights" or "flourecent lights"

Can you see a video of a regular light bulb weed grow?

I'm sure you can on the internet :)

Can you enter the royal air force after taking weed?

Yes you can, however before applying, be free from weed for a year and then Never take it once your in as regular drug tests will be done

How do you turn you weed into kush?

Take the seeds from the regular weed. Burry them in furtilizer in the spring season. leave under less light. and within 6-10 months you should have a few buds