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I don't think anything can to be honest. For a pregnancy test to be positive you have to have the HCG hormone in your system, this hormone is only in your system when you are pregnant so if it's positive then i think you are pregnant.

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Q: What can make a pregnancy test positive if you are not pregnant?
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If you dreamt about having a positive pregnancy test, it signifies that you are indeed pregnant.

Why is ovulation test positive but seen baby on ultrasound of baby?

No because a pregnancy test measures HCG ,and you only make enough to make a test positive when your pregnant.

Positive home pregnancy test?

You are pregnant

If you have a positive pregnancy test are you actually pregnant?

Most likely yes, you are pregnant or were. I don't think a pregnancy test can read positive without HCG present and HCG is produced by pregnancy. If it is a digital pregnancy test and reads positive you are definitely pregnant. Do be aware of evaporation lines that are gray or colorless. Make sure this positive line is colored. If the positive lines are not all colored you could be seeing the evaporation line which could be misread as a positive.

How can someone make a pregnancy test positive?

It is not recommended or ethical to try to make a pregnancy test positive if you are not actually pregnant. Doing so can lead to misinformation and potentially harmful consequences. It is important to take a pregnancy test honestly and accurately to determine your true pregnancy status.

If you get a negative does that mean you are not pregnant?

negative= not pregnant positive= pregnant be sure to read the instructions on the pregnancy test package

Can you have a positive pregnancy test then a negative pregnancy test and light period and still be pregnant?


What does a positive pregnancy test mean?

It means that you are pregnant.

What if you have a false pregnancy test then you have a positive test?

Perform another pregnancy test

If you are ovulating and you take a pregnancy test will it show up pregnant?

NO the only thing that will make a pregnancy test show positive results is if the HCG hormone is detected so if you got a positive result your pregnant your pregnant ovulating has nothing to do with it Good Luck and God Bless!!!

If its been a week after a miscarriage and you take a pregnancy test and it comes back positive are you be pregnant?

Not necessarily. The hormones that make a pregnancy test read positive stay in your body for a little while after a miscarriage.

What does it mean when you have a - and a on a pregnancy test?

A positive answer on a home pregnancy test means that you are pregnant and should see a Dr. A negative answer means that you are not pregnant. If you get a negative response and feel that it is in error you should wait two days and test again or see your Dr.