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Soap and water is the best thing to clean your body with! You can also use alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or Hibiclens if you want something stronger to clean with.

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Q: What are you supposed to clean your belly button piercing with?
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Can you use alcohol to clean a belly button piercing?


Where do you get safe belly button piercings?

At a clean and reputable tattoo and piercing studio.

What if you have a bump or blood blister looking thing on your belly button piercing?

then you squeeze it then clean it

What is some basic information about belly button piercing?

A belly button piercing can be a lot of fun, but it must be kept absolutely clean. It is a piercing that is easily infected, and when it does get infected, it's pretty bad. After getting pierced, clean the area twice a day (as well as after the shower, after swimming in the beach, etc). Also know that after the belly button ring is removed, there will be a small scar that can stretch (permanently) during pregnancy.

Is it safe piercing your own belly button?

if everything is clean and you know what your doing , yes if not leave it to the pros

Why when you clean your belly button piercing you get lightheaded?

I never got lightheaded when i cleaned mine. I only did when i took mine out and changed it. Everyone is different in their piercing though.

Should you remove the ring to clean your belly button piercing?

If it's less than 2 months, no. If its older, you don't have to but you can.

Can your belly button get a infection from the inside without a piercing?

well when your belly button is very deep and you dont clean it often things can build up and get infected, what would help is fingering your belly button with a q-tip or your finger and cleaning it, if there is an infection you should see your doctor.

What to use to clean a safety pin for piercing your belly button?

That is DISGUSTING! Spend the $60 or whatever it may be to get it done professionally. Piercing yourself with household items is STUPID and can KILL YOU. Don't be an idiot!

Its three days after my belly piercing why it still hurts?

After I got my belly button pierced it hurt for a while .. I went and seen the place where I got it pierced and they told me to clean it more often and wash it while in the shower . Try not to bump the piercing or touch it to much and always have clean hands if you do touch the area

What causes belly button dandruff?

There is no such thing as belly button dandfruff, you probably just need to clean the inside of your belly button.

Where can you get your belly button pierced?

You can get your belly pierced in many different places but the main place you should go is a piercing clinic as you know that they clean all their needles b efore they are used! also u know that a piercing clinic has professional piercers and they know what they are doing.