well when your belly button is very deep and you dont clean it often things can build up and get infected, what would help is fingering your belly button with a q-tip or your finger and cleaning it, if there is an infection you should see your doctor.
NEVER take out your piercing if it is infected. Doing so can cause an abscess. The piercing will close and trap the infection inside
Well if you don't clean it during normal bathing or showering, dirt and matter can build up and become septic....so yes you can get an infection or the navel without a piercing.
It is normal for a piercing to smell. What is happening is that your piercing is healing from the inside out, and you are just smelling the normal discharge that is associated with it. Your best bet is to talk to a piercer to confirm if there is any infections or not. Keep in mind that it is best to leave your piercing alone, and if you do touch it, make sure your hands are clean. This helps reduce the risk of infection.
Well you need to wash the piercing daily, this is what has caused your infection in the first place. Poor aftercare will lead to infections with any piercing. All piercings even healed piercings need to be washed daily when showering to ensure good piercing health. Diluted unscented liquid antibacterial soap lathered up and applied to the piercing and worked into the piercing by moving the jewellery, follow this by rinsing the piercing under warm running water (in the shower) daily will resolve 90% of piercing related infections.
clip-on fake belly button ring Seriously in this day and age of fake reality TV who likes posers? There are not a lot of piercing enthusiasts who like posers, if you want a piercing get a piercing but don't fake it. Rule of thumb if it's phony on the out side the inside can't be much better.
It is not recommended to intentionally turn your belly button inside out as it can cause injury or infection. If you have concerns about your belly button, it's best to consult with a healthcare professional.
That might and probably is a sign of infection make sure you clean it
You shouldn't remove any piercing until after they are entirely healed. If the piercing is already infected, removing the jewelery could cause the piercing to heal over trapping the infection inside the skin which will require medical attention. But if you don't have a choice, or you've decided that you don't want the piercing anymore, (only if the piercing is NOT infected) you can take the piercing out to let it grow over, and as long as you continue aftercare until the piercing is entirely healed you shouldn't get an infection.
That is not a good idea, because your piercing is still in the healing process. If you take it out it is possible that you can still get an infection. The infection can get trapped inside your tongue and cause BIG problems.. wait until it is fully healed (4-6 weeks) before taking it out
The wound will heal correctly, from the inside out, without infection.
You have to keep this piercing very clean, to prevent infection,so you should not put anything in your nose.
No. You should never under any circumstances put anything on your piercing such as Peroxide, Alcohol, Neosporin or Bactine. Peroxide, Alcohol and Bactine are very drying to your piercing and the surrounding skin, and will just make the problem worse. Neosporin dries inside your piercing and clogs it, causing a flare up. Regardless of what people may say, the only thing that will fully cure an infected piercing are antibiotics. Other products may mask the symptoms, leading you to believe the infection is gone, but in all reality it isnt. If you think your piercing is infected, see your doctor for antibiotics.