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The words for CC My Playmate are...

CC my playmate

i cannot play with you

my sisters got the flu

chicken pox and measles too

slide down the drainpipe

onto the kitchen floor

ill be your bestest friend forever more more more

shut the door door door

cast an Ellie boom boom

cast an Ellie boom boom

hypnotise paralyze turn around and faint!

That's the most recent version . My 6 year old sister does it all the time!

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The plural of playmate is playmates

Which is a compound word playmate or playful?

Playmate is a compound word.-ful in playful is a suffix.A compound word is a word that is composed of two or more separate words that are combined to make a new word.

What is a sentence with the word playmate?

Your playmate just called.

When was I'm Your Playmate created?

I'm Your Playmate was created in 1988.

How do you help a cat whose playmate died?

Buy it another playmate.

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Playmate to Jesus was created on 2011-09-12.

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Tommy's Playmate - 1912 was released on: USA: 13 September 1912

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No she was not a playmate. She did have an unauthorized pictorial on her see related link for some of the PG rated photos

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