Acronym ?
What two words have the most letters in them?
million and letters
The letters 'mead' unscramble to spell two words:DameMade
Yes. All elements except for the ones that don't have official names, have one or two letters.
you abbreviate governor by putting these three letters down (gov) that's the abbreviation for governor
the abbreviation is D.H.L.
Most people use "Chi" or "CHGO"
haven't (The apostrophe replaces the missing letters, not the space.)
Illinois is abbreviated IL. Chicago is not abbreviated.
Acronym ?
The abbreviations for centimeters of water are cmH2O and cm H2O. The only difference being a space between the two sets of letters.
There are several ways that are acceptable to abbreviate monthly. Depending on the context that it is used a simple M, the letters MTh and mthly are all acceptable.
Just the letter L and for milliliters the letters mL.