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It's a piercing with no meaning other than it's a piercing.

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Q: What are the meaning on left nose piercing?
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What does it mean when a girl has a pierceing in the left side nose?

A nose piercing on the left side is just a personal preference and has no specific meaning. Some people believe that piercing the left side signifies female energy. Ultimately, the meaning behind a piercing will vary depending on the individual's personal beliefs and culture.

Does Ashley Massaro have a nose piercing?

no she doesn't have a nose piercing but i do know that she has snakebites (hoopes) and a monroe piercing on her left upper lip.

Naval piercing on the left mean?

A navel piercing on the left, no meaning, it's just a piercing.

What is the more common side for a nose piercing?

left side of your nose x

Where on your nose do you supposed to nose piercing?

Your piercer will tell you that. You just tell her what side of your nose, left or right.

What piercing does Miley Cyrus?

I believe she has two lobe piercings in her right ear and two in her left, and one helix piercing in her left too. She has a nose piercing on her right nostril and a navel piercing.

Meaning of nose piercing on the right side of the nose?

It Doesn't mean a thing. i have a piercing on my right. i got it there cause it felt better it doesn't mean anything :)

What if your not sure about you boyfriend being gay and he has a nose piercing on the left side Is he gay?

It doesn't mean anything. I honestly think that if you have a nose piercing on the left side of your nose it doesn't mean anything. Most guys do but that doesn't mean they are gay.

Does the lead singer from the ready set have a nose piercing?

Yes. Jordan does indeed have a nose piercing. Currently he has two. A ring on the right side and a stud on the left.

Does sara bareilles have piercings?

yes, she have a piercing in the left side of her nose... :)

What is a piercing on your nose called?

It is called a nose piercing.

Has Miley Cyrus got a belly button piercing?

yes. she also has double piercing in her ear lobes, double pierced cartilage in her left ear, nose piercing (right).