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A navel piercing on the left, no meaning, it's just a piercing.

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Q: Naval piercing on the left mean?
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Related questions

Where can you get a naval piercing in Bahrain?

You can get naval piercing done at American Mission Hospital in Bahrain.

What does a piercing on top of the left ear mean?

It means they have a piercing in the top of the left ear nothing more nothing less.

What does it mean to have a lip piercing on the bottom left?

That you wanted it there. That's all

Should a naval piercing be red after about 5 weeks?


At liquid vision do they numb your naval before piercing?

none of the piercing shops that ive heard of numb you for a naval piercing i got mine when i was 13 and it doesnt hurt it feels like a pinch and then its over you just have to breathe

What if your not sure about you boyfriend being gay and he has a nose piercing on the left side Is he gay?

It doesn't mean anything. I honestly think that if you have a nose piercing on the left side of your nose it doesn't mean anything. Most guys do but that doesn't mean they are gay.

What does it mean when a female has a piercing under left side of lip?

It means nothing.

How much does a naval piercing at selfridges cost?

Phone them and ask.

How long before you can change your naval piercing?

After 6weeks you can take it out.

Can you die from self piercing your naval?

yeah if you do it wrong and puncture your stomache

What is normal for a naval piercing?

Please ask a more specific question.

What does it mean when a girl has a pierceing in the left side nose?

A nose piercing on the left side is just a personal preference and has no specific meaning. Some people believe that piercing the left side signifies female energy. Ultimately, the meaning behind a piercing will vary depending on the individual's personal beliefs and culture.