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I drank mouthwash for years. Affects the nervous system, brain cells. If you choose to, it's a death sentence. If you made the decision to drink it, you had death in mind anyway.

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Q: What are the effects of drinking mouthwash on the brain?
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Cirrosis and possible brain damage

Does drinking mouthwash cleanse your system?

NO, but it cleanses your mouth.

What are the immediate effects of alcohol on the brain?

After drinking alcohol, the brain becomes fuzzy because of dehydration. Also due to alcohol fumes, it becomes fuzzy.

What are the sidefects if you accidentally swallow mouthwash?

Mouthwash is an oral hygiene product that is not intended to be swallowed. If you accidentally swallow mouthwash, the side effects that you may experience include nausea and diarrhea.

What factors will vary the effects of drinking alcohol?

You lose balance in feet, Your brain can make you do stupid things, You can get fat from it, You can get sink from it,

Alcohol how does it effect the teenage brain?

It appears that teen brains might tolerate less alcohol than an older brain. However, there is no evidence that drinking in moderation has any adverse effects on the teen brain.

Does drinking water work in a swab test for marijuana?

no brush your teeth alot and gargle with mouthwash

Do you get diarrhea from drinking mouthwash?

Yes. Very severe diarrhea. In fact, I drank half an economy sized bottle of Scope this afternoon and ended up feeling really gassy earlier tonight, 6 hours after drinking said mouthwash, so I decided to cut a fart and accidentally sh*t myself instead. Wouldn't recommend drinking mouthwash unless you're desperate, unless you have a thing for minty fresh puke and sharting.

What are the effects on the human body from drinking alcohol?

There are many different things that can happen to a human body when alcohol is consumed. Damage to the liver, damage to the brain, vomiting, and passing out are all effects of alcohol.

How much mouthwash will get you drunk?

Girrrlll, drinking mouthwash is not a smart idea and the alcohol is like 0.03% so you'd have to probably chug that whole motherf-cker till you start to get buzzed.

How many brain cells are killed in one alcohol drink?

Brain damage occurs over prolonged periods of exposure to the effects of alcohol. One drink will not kill any brain cells, unless it is an iced tea glass full of vodka, in which case it could kill all your cells.

Does Biotene Mouthwash has any side effects?

Possible side effects of Biotene Mouthwash could include slight gum irritation, salivation, a slight stinging sensation and a sensation of being thirsty. Most of the possible side effects dissipate within 72 hours of the first use of the product.