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It appears that teen brains might tolerate less alcohol than an older brain. However, there is no evidence that drinking in moderation has any adverse effects on the teen brain.

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Q: Alcohol how does it effect the teenage brain?
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How is teenage alcohol drinking bad?

Drinking Alcohol is bad for the human body. Especially teens. The teenage brain has not finished developing. So what happenes is the brain gets damaged before it even finishes growing. Drinking Alcohol is bad for the human body. Especially teens. The teenage brain has not finished developing. So what happenes is the brain gets damaged before it even finishes growing.

What effect does alcohol have on birth or birth defects?

fetal alcohol syndrome

Which is not an effect of alcohol abuse on the brain?

sharpened reaction time

What happens to the brain while under the effect of alchol?

Brain looses its fluidity because of alcohol leading contraction of brain.

How does alcohol effect the mind?

Alcohol affects the mind by basically burning brain cells and sometimes you can be like that permanently

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i think that energy drinks can effect you brain because it has to much caffeine in it and you can get to much of it in your system at one time just like alcohol.

When alcohol reaches the brain it begins to effect those areas of the brain that control?

Some of alcohol's effects on the brain are : Difficulty walking, blurred vision, slurred speech, slowed reaction times, impaired memory.

What impact might alcohol have on a teeneger?

Alcohol, like all controversial substances, isn't recommended for teens to use. At teenage age, anything addiction forming can affect the wiring in the brain.

Where does alcohol effect in the body first?

The judgment and decision-making centers (executive function) in the brain.

What long term effect does alcohol have on your nervous system?

Destruction of brain cells and memory loss

What is the long term effect of alcohol on the nervous system?

Destruction of brain cells and memory loss

How long does it take for alcohol to reach the brain and begin its effect?

Effects can begin within several minutes.