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There really aren't any major obstacles in following the hCG Diet. However, there are some things one should be aware of:

  • Choosing an HCG Clinic will be costly
  • It is possible to mix the formula at home for sublingual dosing (under the tongue)
  • Although the hCG will help control the hunger levels, if one does not 'load' properly (i.e., gorge on high fat foods the first 2 days of dosing) one will experience hunger for the first week or so
  • Dieting just prior to beginning the Protocol will work against the dieter
  • You may not use any oils or lotions on the body during the reduction phase, so will want to go to to get recommendations on products that are Phase 2 safe.
  • The reduction phase allows only 500 calories per day, and it is inconvenient, though not impossible, to go out to eat during that time
  • There are only certain foods that one is allowed to eat during the reduction phase and they are quite limited
  • If you 'cheat' on the reduction phase, it will cause a large weight gain
  • You will need support from your family and friends; otherwise it is easy to become discouraged and cheat when others are eating whatever they want around you and that includes forbidden foods that are triggers for you that are kept in your home
  • It is rare, though possible, to have your order from overseas of hCG seized by the FDA. If you order from a reputable vendor, however, you only need to show them your letter from the FDA & they will re-ship (see for links)
  • It is important to do the maintenance phases (P3 & P4) after the reduction phases, though it will add to the amount of time needed to reach your goal
  • It will take 6 weeks after the release of the first 20-40 lbs before being eligible to go back on the reduction phase to reduce further weight.

These are relatively minor issues when compared with the ease of staying on the Protocol due to the relief of the insatiable hunger encountered on any other regimen. One will also find that the sculpting of the body is a major advantage to this Protocol, which doesn't require any exercise plan to be successful. The initial weight reduction rate is very quick and also aids in motivating the dieter.

I just had a little to add. Whomever wrote the above answerers has done their homework. I found that I didn't have to use any restraint when my family was eating yummie things like pie, cookies etc. Some of my fav's : )! I was really hungry for at least a week. I cheated and I strongly advise against that! Once you get past your 1st week of strict adhearance it won't be as hard. Everytime you cheat you set yourself back at least 3 days for your body to get back into resetting the hypothalumus. DON'T do that! It is so not worth it. Not even one bite of anything, yes, that will set you back as well. If it is not on the original protocol DONT EAT IT AT ALL! The number 1 thing that cannot be stressed enough is to follow the protocol EXACTLY as it says. You will have unbelievable results in no time. Your body will begin to look totally different. I noticed in my 1st week that I could see definition where my muscles are instead of just an arm. My collar bone stuck out like it did when I was in High School. My back fat was already not showing under my shirt. I am now on my second round of it. I cheated a lot the 1st time round. But I can tell you on the days that I didn't I lost weight and it is still off. I can't believe how much things changed in such little time. I wasn't as happy as I should have been, although I am totally overjoyed to have gotten rid of the fat that I did. I know I should have, and could have done a lot better. This round no cheating for me. Good Luck with it. Don't cheat at all and you will be unbelievably happy with your results. Just think what is harder-- going through the rest of your life unhappy and frumpy or being very strict with yourself for 21 to 45 days (depending on how much you want to lose) and having the body you've dreamed of. You CAN do it!

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You can find Dr Simeon HCG diet recipes on the following site: It is a very extreme diet.

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There are many books available that outline the HCG diet plan. Some books that you may be interested in include Hcg Diet-The Ultimate Do it Yourself Weight Loss Guide and The Best Diet you Never Heard Of.

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Some common side effects of the HCG diet include insomnia and high blood pressure. Consult your doctor about it.

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The HCG diet involves using the hormone HCG in order to lose weight. You can go online to find guides to eating healthy when pregnant but the HCG diet is not a good choice for you at all.

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Can you eat grits on the hcg diet?

What are the necessary foods for HCG?

none. hcg does not occur naturally in any foods.