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Active Energy Pills, Hummer Pills, Storm Energy Pills, OPP or Online Party Pills, Kaizen Ephedrine and Stacker 3's are some examples of legal energy pills.

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it kills your baby:( but you get energy and loose weight:))

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some can be pills they are yellow and white some can be pills they are yellow and white

What are party pills?

Party pills are alternative legal drugs, normally party pills are legal extacsy but effects can vary. their cost is lower the same or even higher than the illegal counterpart but are legal! other than party pills there are party powders which are marketed to be the same as cocaine and legal mushrooms on the market. spice gold and other brands allegedly mimick cannabis and other many others. the active drug in many party pills used to be BZP or PEP but i think it has changes to 'ketones' as the above were made illegal by the government. if you are thinking of taking a party pill you should have 1/2 of one or even 1/4 of the pill and see if there are any effects as the pills affect everyone differently. hope this helped, sorry if any of the info. is wrong as I'm only 16 and have only tried one pill and some spice gold and salvia.

What happens if you mix pills with energy drinks?

try it and find out your stupid