Diet pills don't cause miscarriage but should not be taken when pregnant because they can very likely cause fetal damage. They are rarely tested on pregnant women and when pregnant you should not diet.
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Bcp don't cause miscarriage. They can be taken as morning after pills but as soon as you are pregnant it will not work. You have to see a doctor.
Abortion has to go through a doctor. The pills are on prescription and you get them directly from his hand.
Vitamin c does not cause miscarriage, you just pee it out. Nothing you can take, unless you are prescribed the abortion pill, will make you miscarry.
Vitamins incl C can not cause abortion. It's a myth.
A medical abortion is only available up to 9 weeks.
Once a pregnancy is established, no. The pills can only prevent pregnancy ( though they are not 100% effective) if given the time to saturate your bloodstream and taken daily to prevent pregnancy. Taking the pills, if you haven't been taking them to prevent pregnancy, will not cause a miscarriage. I suggest going to a doctor.
The pills used in a induced miscarriage, aka abortion, are Mifepristone (also known as RU-486) and Misoprostol. They can only be used up to the 9th week.
No BCP cannot cause an abortion or miscarriage but if you try to take enough to cause this, it will make you seriously nauseous and you'll vomit.
She had a miscarriage
There is no research on diet pills and pregnancy but they always say don't use it. Diet pills are not for children so that should say it all. I doubt they would make you abort but it could hurt the fetus. You should never diet when pregnant.