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There are 7,000 different chemicals in a cigarette - some of them known to cause cancer. Smoking just one cigarette results in inflammation within your blood vessels, which can lead to heart problems or stroke. 30% of strokes in people under age 65 are caused by smoking. Smoking also affects the lining of your nose and deadens your sense of smell. It affects the eyes and can cause macular degeneration. The smoke affects the way your lungs filter harmful elements from the air you're breathing. Smoking increases the acidity of the stomach, which can cause things like ulcers and increase the chance of getting Crohn's Disease. Carbon monoxide in the cigarette replaces some of the oxygen in your blood, making it hard for your body to get enough. Smoking can cause erectile problems in men and menstrual difficulties in women. Smokers tend to develop wrinkles sooner than non-smokers, too.

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Q: What are some effects of smoking once?
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You will have a great time Once a month!!

What are the potential side effects of smoking once?

That you will do it again.

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A lot of smoke

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Yes, some people do get sick from the effects of smoking and/or the marijuana.

What effects you when smoking?

All bad effects you can imagine. What good effects you get when smoking? NONE.

What are causes of smoking?

the causes of smoking is someone smoking. the effects are what happens after.

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Health effects on smoking

What are some side effects of smoking marijuana through your nose?

lose sense of smell

Can marijuana have long term effects if you only smoke it once?

As long as it would if you've smoked more than one time.

Is smoking good for are bodys?

No, there are no positive effects from smoking tobacco.

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there are no good effects.

Can your lungs pop or explode?

yes, they can. This is one of the effects of smoking too much. Once the alveoli pops, they cannot be fixed.