Yes, some people do get sick from the effects of smoking and/or the marijuana.
no they really sick though
Marijuana itself doesn't make someone sick in the traditional sense. Some people may experience adverse effects like paranoia, anxiety, or nausea from using marijuana, but it’s not the same as making them physically sick. If someone is having a negative reaction to marijuana, it's best to stop using it and seek medical help if necessary.
Yes, for me atleast. I'm sick as hell and I just smoked a bowl after about 4 days of not smoking cause I was so sick and I cannot even explain how much it helped me out.
It depends on how sick. Smoking pot while sick can make you feel much better but it also lowers your immune system, making it harder to get better and increasing the chance of getting sick again. You have to decide if it's worth it or not.
Smoking marijuana is pretty stupid on its own; smoking cyanoacrylate glue is much worse. If "a little sick and sore" is the worst of it, you can consider yourself VERY lucky. If you still feel sick tomorrow, go to your doctor and let HIM tell you how stupid it was. Smoking - ANYTHING - is bad for you. Doesn't matter what you're smoking.
Marijuana can get you sick cuz when its growing germs get on the bud and when you smoke it the germs get into your body and you get sick if you have not had the germ.
How is your employer going to know when and how much marijuana you have smoked in your past? I think the real concern is whether you are smoking now, while employed. Many employers believe that people who smoke marijuana are a liability, prone to illness, more sick days, lower productivity, greater risk for accident and injury, so they will urine-test before and during employment. A positive urine test can cost you your job in many places.
The only way to over dose on herb is to smoke your body weight in smoke in one sitting..damn near impossible. smoking too much for your tolerance will make you sick and throw up so always know your limit.
I researched and found that there was a study on whether or not weed would lower your immune system, and it was proven that your immune system is lowered by the effects of weed (the lowering of the immune system makes the body more susceptible to disease). Similarly: If by "sick" you mean "nauseous," then yes, it is possible that smoking marijuana can make you feel physically ill. This is more likely for those who do not have previous exposure to the drug, or for those who are attempting to mix marijuana with other drugs, i.e. alcohol.
yes but it needs to be subscribed
make them sick
you may get high but probably not sick depending on the strain