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td {border: 1px solid #ccc;}br {mso-data-placement:same-cell;} As per the term "sealed", sealed hardwood floor is coated with a finish or a coating. It means that your hardwood flooring has a protective top coat which mostly in form of a varnish or polyurethane and it may appear shiny, matte or even high glossy. So if you have oak timber or any other type of wood for your house flooring, you can have them sealed to avoid the threats of scratches or cracks as much as possible.

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Q: What are sealed hardwood floors?
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What is the best type of cleaner to use on a hardwood floor?

Cleaning depends on the floors finish. Newer hardwood floors have a sealed finish, these floors just need mopping with water with a splash of white vinegar, to look great. Floors which have not been sealed need to be pampered and protected with liquid or paste wax, to maintain their great look.

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Engineered hardwood floors can be floated, but not solid hardwood floors.

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Yes, the Swiffer Wetjet is effective at cleaning hardwood floors, whether real hardwood, or manufactured wood flooring. Proctor & Gamble, the manufacturer of the Swiffer Wetjet, sells a liquid hardwood floor cleaner that works well to remove surface dirt from the wood floors. The Wetjet works best on floors that have been sealed first, rather than bare wood.

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Engineered hardwood floors can be floated, but not solid hardwood floors.

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Pine-Sol cleaner is safe to use on any sealed surface.

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There are many good types of Cherry hardwood floors to use. The best type of Cherry hardwood floors to use would probably the Brazilian Cherry hardwood floors.

Are hardwood floors more expensive than tile floors?

Hardwood floors are generally more expensive than tile floors because they are harder to maintain. However, higher quality tile floors can cost more than hardwood floors.

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Hardwood floors. They look much nicer.