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I know you are but what am I.

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Q: What are good comebacks when someone calls you dumb?
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What are some GOOD comebacks for when someone calls you a Jew?

Just say thank you for the compliment.

What are some good comebacks when someone calls you ugly?

a good comeback would be " look who is talking" "there's a mirror hun, woops! it broke!!" "haha i wouldn't be talking if i were you."

What are some good comebacks when someone calls you gay?

Being gay is not an insult. If someone calls you gay, you can either say thank you, or "at least I'm not a homophobe" (someone who hates or fears gay people).

What are good comebacks to someone who says you blew up my phone?

"If it exploded, how am I talking to you?"

What are good comebacks for an ex girlfriend?

There are no good comebacks for ex's.

Really good comebacks if someone says they have a big penis?

"It cant be bigger than your ego."

What are some good comebacks for someone that has a square head?

At least my head anit square like yours!

What is a good comeback if someone calls you shorty?

just say " yeah im short, get over it, oh and by the way hows the weather up there". Im short and always have been and ive learnt its better to agree with them and make a joke about it that coming back with comebacks!

What are some good comebacks for someone who is annoying you?

"This is an A-B conversation, so C your way out." "What did you have for breakfast? Annoying Flakes?" "Who [urinated] in your Corn Flakes?

What are some really good comebacks that aren't mean?

Like if someone says '' your stupid'' say i know you are or thanks im glad you notice''

What a good comeback if your fat?

If someone calls you fat, a good comeback is 'I may be fat, but you're ugly, at least I can diet!' though, the best comebacks are said in your head. If you say it in ur head, u get the satisfaction of knowing more than the bully and will normally smile. Bully's hate that and after a while will probably get bored and stop.

What is a good comeback when someone calls you terrible?

"I know you are, but what am I?"