The number one most reported sign of VERY early pregnancy is being more tired than usual.
The most simple way to detect early pregnancy symptoms is through the menstrual cycle. If a women misses her menstrual cycle then she may have early pregnancy symptoms.
mine was a week before my period my friends was a week after her missed period..
Sore breasts before period is normal. If you miss your period, take a test
Early pregnancy symptoms can sometimes happen before a missed period and before a positive pregnancy test. Especially the 3, 4, 5, and 6 weeks pregnant signs. Early pregnancy symptoms and signs are usually related to the pregnancy hormone hCG or "Human Chorionic Gonadotropin" which is responsible for pregnancy signs. Even though hCG is usually not detectable in large number until after a missed menstrual period, there are many women who report having typical pregnancy symptoms even before they miss their period. There are early detection pregnancy tests available that can confirm pregnancy as early as 6 - 8 days after conception has occurred (well before a missed period).
5 days before your period is due, or at about 5 or 6 weeks of pregnancy
Pregnancy symptoms can start as early as the day of conception, if it is a week before your period there are tests you can take a week before your period that will tell you if you are pregnant or not but a definite sign is a missed period.
Nipple tenderness can be a sign of your period or early pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test if you think you're pregnant.
Yes - I found out I was pregnant with my son before ever missing my period. Pregnancy tests measure the level of HPC (human chorionic gonadotropin) in your system, which is a hormone produced early in pregnancy by the placenta (the sac surrounding the baby).
before 4 days of your next period.
Yes spotting can be a early sign of pregnancy it is cause from the egg implanting into the uterus causing some slight bleeding.
The first symptoms of pregnancy normally come just after your first missed period, but the most common symptom is feeling tired and having this feeling that you are pregnant.