mine was a week before my period my friends was a week after her missed period..
when you are early it is hard to tell if you are pregnant or not
No pregnancy test can detect pregnancy that early. It takesabout 2 weeks for your body to produce the hormone that would test you as positive.
In early pregnancy, hCG levels are measured to tell if a woman is pregnant. The hGC levels get higher as the pregnancy progresses. A woman who uses a pregnancy test is having these level measured in her urine in order to tell if she is pregnant.
If you are on your period and u take a pregnancy test and its negative maybe you tested too early, your not pregnant or your eggs aren't coming together fast enough to tell if your pregnant or not .
By taking a pregnancy test.
Take a pregnancy test
Take a pregnancy test
If you are using a home pregnancy test, it may be to early to tell if you are pregnant. Wait another week or have your blood levels checked to see if your pregnant. If you received a positive test, your probably pregnant, as the test tests if there is HCG in your system, and you only have this hormone in your system if your pregnant (unless you have some medical issue).
my digital pregnancy test came out positive when i was only 10 days pregnant dont ask how but it did! my digital pregnancy test came out positive when i was only 10 days pregnant dont ask how but it did!
No, but a pregnancy test can.
If she has a positive pregnancy test and tells you.
Take a pregnancy test. that will tell you.