In early pregnancy, hCG levels are measured to tell if a woman is pregnant. The hGC levels get higher as the pregnancy progresses. A woman who uses a pregnancy test is having these level measured in her urine in order to tell if she is pregnant.
hCG is the most reliable indicator during early pregnancy. Falling hCG levels very early in pregnancy is a concern, you should check with your OB/Gyn. hCG levels do taper off as pregnancy progresses, and everyone is different. Your OB/GYN can evaluate the results and give you the most accurate assessment.
HCG levels of 2000mlU/ml. means pregnancy.
I think hcg levels of minus 5 mean not pregnant
Hcg is the level of a pregnancy hormone that increases throughout the pregnancy. An Hcg level of 229 means that a woman is in the very early stages of pregnancy, or is having a miscarriage.
Drops in hCG levels in early pregnancy and during the first trimester are usually not a good sign; this can be a sign of impending miscarriage. In rare cases, hCG levels might fluctuate because of a condition called vanishing twin syndrome.
Yes, If your quantitative hcg levels are increasing and then start decreasing slowly or rapidly during early pregnancy, it may be a chance that a miscarriage is occurring.
Depends on how far along you are. It is normal for the hcg levels to stop doubling and plateau then decrease later in your pregnancy
AnswerDOCTOR TOLD ME TODAY YOU HGC NEVER GOES DOWN IN A HEALTHY PREGNANCY.AnswerIt means you could be losing your baby.My HCG levels started going down at around what I thought was my 18th week of pregnancy. The dr sent me home scared saying I may be losing my baby. I went back 2 days later for another HCG test and again, drastic drop. An OB/GYN came in and reassured me that HCG levels start dropping around 20 weeks. So I may actually be further along than estimated. Everything looked normal. It is not good to stress about anything while pregnant, because it's just going to cause more problems.
'Hcg' means hormone produced early in pregnancy by the placenta; detection in the urine and serum is the basis for one kind of pregnancy test
Starting in very early pregnancy, progesterone and hCG levels rise. Later estrogen takes over.
no, as long as it is increasing in numbers, you should be fine... According to the American Pregnancy Association, hCG levels taper off after 10-11 weeks of pregnancy.
It means you are very early in your pregnancy.