sort of like burning plastic but a little diff you will have to smell it to know what im talking about but burning plastic is about what it smells like
Crack has a very sweet smell, like burnt marshmellows.
The specific smell of crack cocaine smells very similar to the smell of poison ivy, and is much unlike marijuana smoke hard to get the smell out of clothes.
it has a very distinct smell that is pretty difficult to compare to anything else I can think of it does not smell like burning hair or plastic as some have said
smoking crack cocaine... a very serious drug. along with crack comes the paranoia, hypersensitivity, may sweat, heartbeat races
they both smell like crack so shutup
Crack cocaine smells like a tone of smelly feet left in the Sahara to biodegrade and melt. This is because the smell of the peoples feet who make it have never had a shower as the work for pennies in these illegal factories. Hammy + Binny + Hass + Harry + Fatty
Delicious!! - Just kidding it kinda smells like burnt plastic. Pretty distinct smell that definitely makes you not want to smoke crack (unless your a crackhead).
smell it but probably it is...........
My 7 year old flat screen just did. I heard an electrical zap (like lightening hit it) and smell a burning plastic smell. So, yes- they can.
A bit like WEED but ever so slightely lighter. DUDE.
The sulfur smell is the catalytic converter. There will always be some smell of sulfur. The converter changes the carbon monoxide in the exhaust to sulfur dioxide. Strong sulfur smell may be an indication the converter needs to be changed. This can also be a symptom of a leaking battery. We had a battery crack, and the sulfur smell was almost overpowering for a couple of days. Even after it was replaced, the smell lingered for a bit.