savage is still produceing this rifle under the model 64 name only difference is they put a safety on it.
Numrich gun parts
In magical unicorn farts. At least thats how it seems.
Sarco has them in stock there part # Misc119
you can find them at gun shows or gun shops used.
The 282 is the Winchester model 521 made for sears
Model 94 winchester 30 30
Best course of action is to find a local gunshop and ask for help.
By providing a serial number to your Winchester model 53.
That's one of the Canadian-built Winchester/Cooey models as made for Sears. We have some parts available. Please send a digital picture so we can properly identify the exact model you have.
COOEY was a Canadian firearms manufacturer established in Cobourg, Ontario- in business from 1903 to 1961, when it was bought by WINCHESTER to produce and sell firearms in Canada. It closed for good in 1979. It is difficult to find a listing of Cooey firearms in the price guides. These were utility grade shooters- no real collector's value for most, but reliable firearms. Most .22 rifles in that category are about $75-$125, depending on condition and exact model.
Your Winchester model 1894 was made by Winchester in 1974.
youtube has a vid to break it down and savage has pis on their web site