Best course of action is to find a local gunshop and ask for help.
what year was model 4b serial number cao86767 made
Try gun shows, want ads, gun shops,.
i have anwsered a bunch of questions on this rifle please do research and read a few
if you want it to be it is semi auto
Try want ads, pawn shops, gun show, gun shops
Try gun shops, gun shows, pawn shops, want ads.
$125.00 in good condition.
Clean it. Try different ammunition. If neither works, find a gunsmith
It should come apart like any other bolt action rifle pull up and back
1940 is turing year of cooey model 840he manifat
savage arms they still make this rifle its called the model 64. there are a few varients of it. this question has been anwsered befor please read existing post befor starting a double.