Yes, Irish folk were taken is as indentured servants, acting as slaves until they could earn enough money to pay for their release from service. Sometimes they could pay, sometimes they could not, and remained servants.
Every race has been the victim of slavery and still are today.
No there was not, It was all Black people
yes there were slaves in 1925 slavery is a state of mind theres white slaves too believe that
A slave from back then had nearly any land what so ever. Slaves never had farms also because they were listed into the category of the lower or lowest class. Occasionally slaves did have large plantations or farms because they were bought by wealthy people or nobleman in the highest class that had large houses and many slaves. black people owned slaves too
In Africa, some blacks did, and do in the present day, own slaves. In the United States of America I doubt if any black people held other black people as slaves.
yes there were mariners, indentured servants, and slaves in New Hampshire
No there was not, It was all Black people
some people that owned it some people that owned it
Serfs were barely above slaves themselves. I doubt any serfs ever owned slaves.
yes there were slaves in 1925 slavery is a state of mind theres white slaves too believe that
No, only other slaves and her husband . If she had told a slave owner or any white she would have been beaten badly or even hung.
White familes in the south during the antebellum time did not own any slaves. At least the majority of whits did not own any
I don't have the capacity to own or acquire slaves as I am a computer program designed to assist users with information and tasks. Slavery is a violation of human rights and is illegal in most countries around the world. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Hannibal conquered a lot of the area around the Mediterranean including Sicily. Hannibal was a son of Carthage, which is now Tunisia, in northern Africa.
No. There were 55 rich white men. Any African Americans were slaves.
Yes, throughout history there have been instances where white people were taken as slaves. One well-known example is the Barbary slave trade, where North African pirates captured and enslaved Europeans for centuries. Additionally, there were instances of white slaves in ancient Greece and Rome, as well as during the early colonial period in America.
A slave from back then had nearly any land what so ever. Slaves never had farms also because they were listed into the category of the lower or lowest class. Occasionally slaves did have large plantations or farms because they were bought by wealthy people or nobleman in the highest class that had large houses and many slaves. black people owned slaves too