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yes there were slaves in 1925 slavery is a state of mind theres white slaves too believe that

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Q: Were there any slaves in 1925?
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The Ligue 1 didn't have any winners between 1920 and 1925.

Number of slaves owned by William Samuel Johnson?

He did not have any slaves

Did slaves accept that they were slaves?

they wanted to be free but they couldn't do any thing about it

Did serfs have slaves?

Serfs were barely above slaves themselves. I doubt any serfs ever owned slaves.

What did slaves use for transportation?

slaves did not use any transport they mostly walked

Were there any happy slaves?

I'm sure there were SOME slaves who were treated nicely

What was the names of president John Adams slaves?

John Adams did not own any slaves.

What year did the Declaration of Independence free the slaves?

The Declaration of Independence had nothing to do with freeing any slaves. You are probably thinking of the Emancipation Proclamation in which Lincoln ordered that slaves be freed in any Confederate state that did not return to the Union by January 1, 1863. The Proclamation did not cover any slaves in Union states.

Did any nonwhites own any slaves?

Yes, in Africa

Who sold the slaves to the Europeans?

For the most part, slaves were sold to European traders by slave traders. These were people who bought and sold slaves just like any other commodity. But they were not just any slaves they got paid a little bit for there work

Did February 29 fall on Wednesday at any point between 1890 and 1925?

No, the 29th of February did not fall on a Wednesday between 1890 and 1925.