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Yes this can happen. I have had this happen 9 times. Heartbeat at 6-7 weeks and between 8-9 weeks I miscarry. We have done all the testing that can be done by infertility doctors and no one has an answer. It can be frustrating and an emotional roller coaster. Hang in there we do have 1 successful pregnancy so far and our little girl is going to be 3. We are pregnant not at 6 1/2 weeks. I refuse to go to the doctor because if it is meant to be it will be. I don;t want to hear a heartbeat then it be gone. If my symptoms are gone at 9 weeks then I will know. If they are there then we can celebrate. I am actually enjoying being pregnant and not stressing about going to the doctor to wonder what if. Hang in there and good luck you are not alone! -------North Canton, Ohio

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Q: Symptoms have gone at 9 weeks pregnant - heartbeat at 7 weeks can you have miscarried?
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No. It can take 8 or more weeks to get your period back after a miscarriage.

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It is possible yes.

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it is likely that you had a spontaneous miscarriage, which means you were pregnant but miscarried and that's why your hpt came out positive (the pregnancy hormone needs a while to get out of your system after having miscarried)

How early are the symptoms of being pregnant?

3 weeks.