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Either you are two weeks pregnant, or the hormones of a normal pregnancy stopped dividing - usually indicating the pregnancy has been miscarried.

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Q: Why does my pregnancy test still say I'm 2 weeks pregnant?
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Can you be pregnant for a month and a pregnancy test still show up negative?

If you are four weeks pregnant you will have enough hCH to have a positive pregnancy test.

5 weeks pregnant had a period and now your pregnancy test is negative am you still pregnant?

You may of had a miscarriage hun. See your doctor for a Quantitative beta hcg pregnancy blood test. This test will measure the amount of HCG in your blood and determine if you're pregnant.

Can you get neegative pregnancy results and still be pregnant?

Yes. Try a test every week up to 5 weeks.

How many weeks pregnant do you have to be to get a positive pregnancy test?

One to two weeks.

After a miscarriage and home test is still positive is it possible that you are still pregnant?

Wait a few weeks to take a pregnancy test after a miscarriage. It will take a while for the pregnancy hormone to get out of your system, so a test will show up positive even if you are not pregnant. Hope this helps. And I am sorry for your loss.

If you have taken a pregnancy test one a week for the past 7 weeks they have all came up negative can you still be pregnant and your hormones just haven't picked it up on the test?

if you have taken a pregnancy test once a week for the past 7 weeks they have all came up negative can you still be pregnant and your hormones just havent picked it up on the test?

Can you have a negativene pregnancy test and still be pregnant?

I'm wondering that also. I'm 3 weeks late, and still testing negative. Yes you can.

I took a pregnancy test twice and it came out negative but i haven't had a period in 4 weeks am i pregnant?

If the pregnancy test came out negative, then chances are, you aren't pregnant. Pregnancy tests are very acurate. You may also be missing your period because of stress or you worrying to much about he fact of being pregnant. If you are still worried about being pregnant wait another couple of weeks, and take another pregnancy test. Hope everything turns out as planned.

Can you have a positive pregnancy test at 3 weeks pregnant?


Can you still be pregnant if the pregnancy test say no?

Yes. It might just be too early. Until your period comes you could still be pregnant. unless its been 3 weeks since you had sex and the test is negative

Can you tell if your pregnant by the first two weeks?

you could be pregnant in the first 2 weeks if pregnancy test is blue

What about if youre pregnant but it is too soon to show up on a test and you take the shot?

If you think that's a possibility, you repeat the pregnancy test in two weeks. Depo provera will not end or harm an existing pregnancy; if you're pregnant, you can still choose to continue or end the pregnancy.