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You could see a heartbeat if they do a transvaginal ultrasound.

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Q: Will an ultrasound show heartbeat if you are 6 weeks pregnant?
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Your ultrasound showed that you are 6 weeks pregnant but you should be 9 could that mean you are having a miscarriage?

An ultrasound at 6 weeks should show a fetal heartbeat, if there was a fetal heartbeat you're not miscarrying.. It's probable you estimated your due date wrong.

Can a ultrasound show if you are two weeks pregnant?

It is not likely, the most you would see is the gestational sack. The heartbeat cannot even be detected until week 5.

Ultrasound at five weeks show feeble heart beat?

It would be crazy to see any heartbeat at five weeks.

How would you know if you were pregnant with twins at eight weeks?

The only sure way of knowing you are pregnant with twins is by ultrasound. An ultrasound at 8 weeks would show if you were carrying a multiple pregnancy.

Are you pregnant if 4 hpt tests were positive but nothing showed up on an ultrasound is this normal for being 5 days late for your period?

this could be normal. it can take up to 6 or 8 weeks for a fetal heartbeat to show up with a vaginal ultrasound.

When does the heart beat show on a ultrasound?

With my first child I was 7w3d when I had my first u/s. My second child I was 9 weeks. This coming Monday I will have an u/s @ 6w6d and hope to see a heartbeat. I heard from my Ob/Gyn that at 6w1d there should be a heartbeat noticeable on trans. vag. u/s.

Can you be pregnant and the doctor not see that there is a baby there?

No. They usually do an ultra sound and that will show the fetus.Yes, during the first few weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is so small that it is hard to see, even with an ultrasound.The heartbeat is usually visible in an ultrasound after 7 weeks gestation.

Can i be pregnant and a ultrasound not detect it?

yes, i had a doctor tell me that an ultrasound will not show a pregnancy until 5 weeks. that is not a fact but just what i was told. when i was pregnant the ultrasound lady had a hard time seeing my baby and i was 5 weeks, i had to go back the next week and she saw the baby perfect.

If you are 8 weeks pregnant is it normal for the ultrasound to show the yolk and small fetal pole but you cannot see the heart beat?

no it is not no it is not

Is it true that you can do an ultrasound can show that your not pregnant even if you are pregnant?

Ultrasound can visualize fetus inside with no errors.

Im 9 weeks pregnant but cervix exam and ultrasound sHow is 5 weeks?

That happens sometimes. As the pregnancy progresses, the clincial picture will become clearer.

Doctor cannot detect babies heartbeat at 8 weeks?

absolutly! 8 weeks pregnant is still very early to detect a heart beat. I believe when I was pregnant mine was checked at around 10-12 weeks...even then it was hard to find because the fetus is so small. My Dr. also didn't have an ultrasound done she was using a small device called a doppler.