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Very normal. Many woman have spotting when first starting the pill. It should stop after a month or so. You may stop having your period all together while on the pill. If the spotting doesn't stop I suggest talking to a doctor or switching to another birth control.

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Q: Spotting while taking the pill
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Related questions

Is it normal to have brown spotting while on the pill?

Yes, it is normal to have brown spotting while on the pill, particularly if you have recently started taking it or have changed brands. Brown spotting while on the pill can occur in place of a regular period.

If you are on the pill how can you tell if you are spotting or if you are spotting because you are pregnant?

The only way to know is by taking a pregnancy test.

You take the morning after pill you get your period when your sopposed too and your period is normal but after its done you have spotting is that normal?

Spotting is very normal while on the pill. After a few months you shouldn't have any spotting.

When will you start spotting after taking a day after pill?

I have taken the morning/day after pill 3 times and I've never experienced any spotting. I guess it is different for everyone though!! Sorry I can't help more...

After taking Plan B it is normal to have spotting after ones menstrual cycle for days at a time?

After taking Plan B it is normal to have spotting after one's menstrual cycle for days at a time, if you just started taking the pill. However, if you have been on Plan B for a while, this type of bleeding may not be normal. It could be that the uterus did not expel all of the blood during your period and so spotting occurs mid-cycle.

Can you get pregnant while on the pill and if so should you immediately stop taking the pill?

Yes you can definitely become pregnant while taking the pill. I am proof of that and I never missed a dose. :) If you are pregnant you must stop taking the pill.

Can there be spotting while taking antibiodics?

It's possible to having spotting anytime. The vast majority of antibiotics don't affect how well the pill works, but may lower the circulating hormone in your body somewhat. Talk to your prescriber or pharmacist for advice specifict to your situation, in case you're on one of the few antibiotics that can affect the pill.

Why are you spotting one week after you stop taking your pill?

That's completely normal. I'm not sure why, but don't be worried by anything.

You have been off the pill for atleast a week and ive had bad cramps and spotting could this be a sign of something?

Same thing happened to me after getting off the pill. I later found out that I had been pregnant while experiencing the horrible cramps. I suggest taking a pregnancy test.

While taking antibotics you got your period being on the pill do you continue to take your pill?

If you are taking antibiotics, and you got your period while being on the pill, you want to continue to take your pill. Keep in mind that being on antibiotics can lower the affect of the birth control pill.

On birth control is it possible to get your period while taking the active pills or does it only come when you take the inactive ones?

No you will not get your period while taking the active pills only the inactive pills. You may have spotting. If this is bothersome contact your doctor and they may give you another birth control pill that will work better for you.

How many periods is it safe to skip while taking birth control pill levlen?

All of them. There is no medical need to have a period. While taking the pill the lining of the uterus stops building up the way it does without BCP. The bleeding every month is actually withdrawal bleeding in response to hormones dropping when the pill is stopped for a few days.