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Slaves were everywhere. It existed almost from man's very beginnings. Any time one tribe conquered another, slaves were taken as prizes. If any one continent could be credited with inventing slavery, it would have to be Africa, the theoretical beginning of man.

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Q: Slaves were brought from which continent?
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Which continent were slaves brought from?

Slaves were primarily brought from the continent of Africa to various parts of the world during the transatlantic slave trade and other historical periods of slavery. This inhumane practice involved the forced capture, transportation, and enslavement of millions of African people to regions in the Americas, Europe, and other parts of the world, primarily during the 15th to 19th centuries.

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The time period that slaves were brought into America was between 1619 to 1789. Most of the slaves came in from 1720.

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African American is a generic name for people in modern America, whose ancestors originally were brought from the African continent as slaves.

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They brought their slaves and ideas for plantations.