Probably not. Not on the first kiss if you're 13, 18 or 68. It's not good manners. Stick with just a kiss buddy boy. Touch butt later.
you should ask your local vet about that...
Maybe. but he's a pervert
It could be considered rude! Not welcome by some girlfriends.
She slaps you and tells you not to do that, she is not a roll of Charmin.
It should happen if your relationship works well
It depends on your boyfriend, but I'm sure he probably does.
break up with their butt
Ask a friend to dare him to touch your butt and of course he will go for the dare hope u like it
if your butt starts to hit and touch things it to BIG!
he likes her butt.
only if 2 couples are together. because you cant just go up to girl touch her ass smack in the face!!!