only if 2 couples are together. because you cant just go up to girl touch her ass smack in the face!!!
It could be considered rude! Not welcome by some girlfriends.
Touching your butt will not make it grow bigger. There are exercises that work your gluteus maximus which can increase the size of your butt.
dont sit on it all day and do some frickingexcersise
She slaps you and tells you not to do that, she is not a roll of Charmin.
no, that it just a myth
It depends on your boyfriend, but I'm sure he probably does.
by touching your butt
If you want it to be. . . Wait is this hand on skin or on panties?
it means romance and touching butt cheeks
If in your dream, you let him boughs your butt it means that you feel attracted to him. If you don't let him than you may have bad instinks for him.
Seems like it would be deemed as sexual harassment, whether she/he be your spouse or not.
He'll lean in at times and he can be a bit sexual too, like touching you near your butt or your chest.