If you look on the back, it should contain the address, e-mail address, and the 800-3 for moneygram. Also on the front it should have a mark that is a pinkish color and when heated or rubbed it disappears and then comes back.
Well, you should give it a bit of time as you don't want to text back straight away, as he might think you are too desperate, but you shouldn't keep him waiting too long!
If you can't get on facebook the first thing to do is send a message to the facebook team, they should message back and tell you why you can't get on. You may not be old enough or friends who are not old enough. They should soon put your account back soon.
She probably likes you if she was waiting on you to call her back if she got upset over a phone call then you must mean something to her Im a girl and if i liked a guy i would probably ask to, not to be nosey but just to see if there was a actual reason he didnt call but if its a guy friend i usually dont think to much of it
Wait 24 hours and it should come back.
dude are you seriosly giving your ex girlfriend presents you should stop because i did that once and it didnt go out good and dude do you like skateboard
He obviously isn't the committed type or he wouldn't just dump his old girlfriend for you. Don't expect him to be committed to a relationship with you especially since he is hanging out with his ex.
My girlfriend. Back away.
if your girlfriend cheated,you should end the relationship
I would think that your girlfriend and her parents would think it a nice, polite gesture to ask for their blessings and their daughter's hand in marriage, but if your girlfriend is adamant about it, perhaps you should wait until you find out for sure whether you will be deployed or not, or wait until you get back.
you should be worried, kid
say it back
You should do something nice for her...show her that you want her back.
maybe you should go back to the doctors and ask them lol
If you like a guy and he has a girlfriend then you should back off and only try and be his friend.
it means he has a girlfriend and you should back off