Well, you should give it a bit of time as you don't want to text back straight away, as he might think you are too desperate, but you shouldn't keep him waiting too long!
No, girls LOVE it when you text them first. But do not say something like Sup, or short one word texts. Make it more interesting by sending longer texts.
Wait 24 hours and it should come back.
Just wait for her to reply, girls do not like pushy boyfriends.
Yeah, just limit it to once a day and you should be fine. If he doesn't answer, leave a voice message and wait for him to call you back.
text back asap!
I don't think you should wait any time at all, just text him back.
Wait on her to text you back, and not be paranoid.
I'm a girl and i would say 1mn-3mn
i would wait..if you really like him you should wait because you should make sure he likes you too. don't worry he will text you back hopefully.I would text him, but it depends on your personality. if youre bubbly and flirty, then its normal to text him more than once, BUT DONT BE ANNOYING ABOUT IT! dont constantly text him. if youre more laid back, i think you should wait. if its been more than a few days, maybe you should text him, but just once. never know, he may not have gotten it.
If he has asked for your number you should wait for his text or call. Do not text him first.
this is an addition from the top but im wondering if i should keep texting him first or wait for him to text me.. and how long do i wait?
wait 6 days and then if he doesnt txt you back then call him, usually they puposely wait 3 days, but just be patient.
You should wait like 2 days, and then id they haven't called you back yet, you should call them. You should wait like 2 days, and then id they haven't called you back yet, you should call them.
IF he is interested he will surely let you know..if he doesn't reply within that day you text him then he wants to have nothing to do with you.
may b you did something to make hem mad just wait it out and he will text back If you text the person alot and they ingnore you that probably means you text the person to much you should just wait a little bit and stop texting him alot and maybe he'll text back.
If he really likes you then he will text back, maybe he is just busy with the move. You should wait a couple days and if he doesn't text you by then, text him and ask him how he is doing. Make the conversation casual