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I am eleven years old right now, and I got mine done when I was eight...So if that is what she really wants let her do it. But first let her now all the risks and cautions.

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Q: Should an 11 year old get a second ear piercing?
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When should you get a second piercing in your ear?

After the first

Should a nine year old get there ear piercing?

honestly no

Does Miley have a second ear piercing?

Yes. She also has a cartilege piercing.

Is there a lesbian side for a girls second ear piercing?

Absolutely not

I would like a second ear piercing My mom think I would look too mature How can I convince her I have a pixie cut so it is obvious?

You can convince your mom for a second second ear piercing by promising to meet the cost yourself.

What is the least painful body piercing?

I should think that ear piercing is the least painful

How old should you be to get a third piercing in your ear?

12 to 16

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Which ear should you get your top piercing in?

Whichever you'd like :)

Ear cartilage piercing?

Ear cartilage piercing, yes and................

What is the legal age to get a second ear piercing in CA?

I dont know about California but I live in Toronto,Canada and I got my first piercing when i was three and the second when i was in 4th grade!

Do Claires pierce your ears a second time?

I am not sure what you mean. If you mean that once you have one piercing, will they do a second ear piercing for you, then yes they will. they're really good too!