I wouldn't.
That bulge is an area of weakness and always will be. The people who have shot that rifle are fortunate that the barrel did not give-way completely and blow up (called a "Kaboom" among shooters).
Find a repair shop
I do not personally, but yes, there is a single shot rifle that can have the rifle barrel replaced with a shotgun barrel.
That term refers to the outline shape of the outside of a rifle barrel.
you may find that the repair may cost more than the value of the rifle. But you can search the web for "air gun repair" and locate a shop near you to have it repaired or contact customer service at ( Daisy.com ) and ask them.
A bayonet is the name of a knife attached to the barrel of a rifle.
The length of a rifle barrel that measures 172mm is 6.77 inches.
One difference is that the inside of a shotgun barrel is smooth and the inside of a rifle barrel is what they call "fluted" which puts rotation on the bullet as it moves though the barrel.
the musket does not have a rifled barrel and a rifle does
It depends.. if you have a carbine length barrel and will be using it on a rifle with a carbine length barrel, then yes. If you took it from a rifle with a rifle length barrel, and are putting it on a rifle with a carbine length barrel, then it won't function properly.
More accurately, it would be IN a rifle- inside the barrel. If you look through the EMPTY barrel of a rifle or pistol, you will see spiral lines- the rifling. It consists of GROOVES- the lines cut into the barrel- and LANDS- the part of the barrel between the grooves.
The barrel of a rifle is characterized by rifling, helical grooves that impart spin on the bullet, stabilizing the projectile in flight.