More accurately, it would be IN a rifle- inside the barrel. If you look through the EMPTY barrel of a rifle or pistol, you will see spiral lines- the rifling. It consists of GROOVES- the lines cut into the barrel- and LANDS- the part of the barrel between the grooves.
The rifle is marked .45 but they messured this from land to land inside the barrel not groove to goove. a .433 with a .18 patch seems to be the common load. 45 is just to tight for the rifle
It depends on the power of the air rifle, Local laws and the location where you live.
So far as we know, he did not name his FIRST rifle (it was traded for land) but you may be thinking of his favorite rifle his "Beautiful Betsy" or "Betsy".
You would measure the inside of the barrel from land to land (In other words, you would not include the depth of the rifling)
yes only if your a farmer or a rich guy
the M1 garand rifle.
maybe you should check in verginity land
Whatever you can afford that doesn't violate the rules and laws of the land.
The L is a designation for 'Land Forces' and the 98 is the variation type from the SA80, in this case a cadet rifle
Bore is the inside diameter of the barrel. depending on the nation, it may be measured from the bottom on one groove to the bottom of the opposite groove, or from the top of one land to the top of the opposite land (raised part of the rifling). Measurements can be to one thousandth of an inch. Thus a rifle with a .308 bore is .308 thousandths of an inch wide inside the barrel.
Only if you have specific licence to use it for hunting game or for target shooting, be this from the landowner if it is private land, or from the local authority or the National Trust if it is not. If you don't have this then you can be charged with carrying an offensive weapon, even if the rifle is legally held.