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If you look sites like you will see that in good condition they sell for around $350-425 in .35 rem slightly more for rare calibers like .30 rem or .32 win spc.

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Q: Remington 35 141 gamemaster value
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141 gamemaster 35 Remington?

How much monye is i

What is the production date of Remington gamemaster 141 35 caliber serial number 55000?

The 141's are date code stamped on the barrel, the location diagram and date codes are on the Remington Society of America.

What is the value of a Remington model 760 gamemaster .35 Rem?

100-450 USD

How much is your 35 cal gamemaster worth?

Depending on exact model and condition, your Remington Mdl 760 Gamemaster is worth about $400. More or less.

What is the value of a Remington model 35?

There is no Remington Model 35, certainly guns produced in CALIBER .35 Remington but lots of different models. I would suspect one of the most popular would be a model 8 or possibly a model 14 or 141. If it's a Auto it's probably an 8 or 81, if a pump a 14 or 141, off hand I can't think of other .35 Remington firearms.

What is the year and value of a Remington .35 caliper pump gamemaster model 760 serial?

Depending on condition, value may be $300-450. Age can be determined from a 2 or 3 LETTER code on the barrel- left side, just in front of the reciever. The Remington Collector's website has a chart showing month/year using the letter codes. Google search Remington BLACKPOWDERX for the chart.

How do you tell the difference between a Remington 14 and a Remington 141?

If nothing else the date code on the barrel. 35 and later would be a 141 vs the 41. See related links for reference to the Remington Society of America website for date code details

What is value of Remington gamemaster 760 35 cal?

Remington Game master model 760 is a pump action rifle produced by Remington arms from 1952-1981. A 1981 model in good condition can cost anything around 550 to 600 US dollars. However, an older model may fetch more if the buyer has some sentimental reasons to acquire it.

What is the value of a Remington 35 model 700?

100-1000 USD

What is the value of a rememington 35 cal lever action rifle?

Remington never made a 35 caliber lever action rifle, you have a rifle by some other manufacturer in 35 Remington, who's?

What is the value of a 35 Remington pump model 141?

$200 to $800 depending on condition. I am looking for one that is in excellent condition, but will pass if the rifle has been drilled for a scope or peep sight. It seems that this was a common alteration and finding unmolested examples is difficult.

What is the value of a 1911 35 magnum Remington browning side scope military edition?

No such weapon