Remington Game master model 760 is a pump action rifle produced by Remington arms from 1952-1981. A 1981 model in good condition can cost anything around 550 to 600 US dollars. However, an older model may fetch more if the buyer has some sentimental reasons to acquire it.
Depending on exact model and condition, your Remington Mdl 760 Gamemaster is worth about $400. More or less.
value of Remington targetmaster model 41 cal 22rifle
700Remington cal.257Roberts
100-425 dollars
350.00 if in fair to good shape.
75-750 USD
100-400 USD
The value of a 1972 Winchester model 70 270 cal is between $760 to $800. This is good condition price.
I dont know what the value is but my grandpa bought it for $2.
50-350 usd