Well I hope you cleaned it before you put it back in. Yeah as long as you clean the jewellery before you put it in, it shouldn't be a problem.
Fish it out wash it and put it back or buy a new one.
There shouldn't be a back piece.... You should either have a hoop( segment ring or CBR) or a nose screw. Neither of which have a back piece
Yes you can put a ring through a pig's nose.
if you just got your nose peirced and the ring falls out you should put the ring back through the hole a soon as possible even though it might hurt a bit. otherwise your nose will start to heal itself and you will havto go get it done again.
You can put a nose ring but it may be too small. depends on your nose. Nose bones or screws wouldn't show but they'd keep the piercing open in a pinch.
yeah you should be able to, as long as the lip ring is the same thickness as the stud you had your nose pierced with, otherwise the ring will not go through. :) hope this helped.
First you buy a new nose ring. Second you wipe the peircing with piercing cleaner Third you carefully take out the nose ring Fourth you wipe the piercing with more piercing cleaner Fifth you carefully put in the new nose ring.... TADA!!!!
put him back in his cage.
?? Put a back on a nose ring ?? Well for those of you who got your nostril piercing done by a piercing gun, I would say you should go an see a professional body piercer and get the proper jewellery for your piercing. All professionally done nostril piercings are done either with a captive bead ring or a nostril screw, both pieces of jewellery designed to stay in place on there own without "backings". Now leaving the ear stud in your nose is not a good idea and stuffing a free floating earring back up your nose has risks all of it's own should it come free at night. Get the right jewellery for the piercing, go see a professional body piercer.
I hope so....cause I did :/
Get to your piercer asap and get another nostril screw in there before you loose the piercing, they can put it back in with an insertion taper but time is critical so get on it.
Okay so, theres an end with some type of disc/plate/ball/round bulb and theres an end with nothing on it, its the same size as the rest of the ring. Take the end with nothing on it and put it through the piercing from the inside of your nostril. That way, when you push the ring through, the wider end is on the inside and will stop the ring from falling out. I hope this helps :)you have to put it in backwards so the thin side goes from the inside of your nose to the out, and just pull it out until the other end is touching the inside of your nose