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Yes. Home pregnancy tests are not always accurate. Take multiple tests, or see a doctor.

If you are far enough along in the pregnancy to be feeling movement from the fetus, then your belly should have started protruding.

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9mo ago

Feeling movement in your abdomen without a positive pregnancy test is unlikely to indicate pregnancy. It is important to rule out other medical conditions that could cause these sensations. If you suspect you may be pregnant, it's best to consult with a healthcare provider for further testing and guidance.

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Q: Negative pregnancy test but feel movement could i still be pregnant?
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Had no period for six months on depo had tests and bloods done still think im pregnant though is there any chance i think can feel some movement?

It is unlikely that you are pregnant if you have been consistently receiving Depo-Provera shots and have had negative pregnancy tests and blood work. Sensations of movement could be due to other factors like gas or muscle twitches. It's best to consult with your healthcare provider for further evaluation and guidance.

What happens if you can see your tummy moving and your partner can see it too and it feels like something is moving inside but you have done the blood pregnancy test and it came back negative?

Feeling movement in the abdomen and seeing visible movements could be attributed to different reasons such as muscle spasms, digestive activity, or gas movement. It is unlikely to be related to pregnancy if the blood test came back negative. If you are concerned, it is best to consult with a healthcare provider for a proper evaluation.

What does a negative acceleration indicate about an object?

A negative acceleration indicates that the object is decreasing in speed or changing direction in the opposite direction of its current velocity. It could be slowing down, coming to a stop, or changing its movement trajectory.

Is an electric current the movement of negative charges called electrons?

The force moving electrons in electricity is called resistance. The electrons move toward a path of least resistance. The current is the actual movement of the electrons in a specific direction.

What is the synonym for movement?

The synonym for movement could be action, motion, or mobility.

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I had my period on 24 Nov 2009. I did a blood test and it was negative. I also did a home pregnancy test and it came out negative. Could I be pregnant?

If you have had a negative blood test, it is very unlikely that you are pregnant

If home pregnancy test negative can you still be pregnant and get your period?

No you can't be pregnant and still have your period. You can have a light bleed but not a period. As for the whole negative test thing, it could be a false negative.

I have done two pregnancy test and they have both come out negative and my period still hasn't come could I be pregnant?

yes you are pregnant

Could you still be pregnant after taking 2 pregnancy test and they come out negative?

Yes. You could be testing too early.

If you have four negative pregnancy tests could you still be pregnant?

Yes it is still possible. See a doctor.

You have all the symptoms of pregnancy you have a 6mos daughter and have not have a period in over a year and a half but all your home pregnancy tests are negative are you pregnant?

You could be pregnant, but if I were you, I'd go straight to my doctor.

You might be 3 weeks pregnant but I'm not sure you took 2 pregnancy tests and they tested negative you also don't have any symptoms of pregnancy but are gassy in the evenings could you be pregnant?

Two negative tests would indicate that you probably are not.

Could you be pregnant if you get headaches and feel thumps in your abdomen but pregnancy test tested negative could you be pregnant you also had a period last month very unusual?

This could be a sign of pregnancy, It would be classed as a very early pregnancy and it would be best to wait until you are next due for your period and if you don't come on and your test is still negative then it is recommended to go to your g.p

What if a pregnancy test reads negative and it sits turns to positive are you pregnant?

you could be. take some more tests

I have symptoms of pregnancy i and many friends have seen and felt movement in my stomach I also look pregnant but the test said that i am not 8 months of this what is it?

If you are experiencing pregnancy symptoms, you need to see a doctor. You may be pregnant or it could be a phantom pregnancy.

I am not pregnant but I have been feeling movement in my stomach like a flipflop what else could it be besides pregnancy?

Could just be movement of gas or food. have you recently eaten at taco bell...